Mar 26, 2024
One of the biggest failures in appsec is an attitude that blames users for security problems. A lot of processes and workflows break down because of an insecure design or insecure defaults. Benedek Gagyi chats with us about the impact of the user experience (UX) on security and why it's not only important to understand...
Mar 19, 2024
Lots of companies need cybersecurity programs, as do non-profits. Tyler Von Moll talks about how to get small organizations started on security and how to prioritize initial investments. While an appsec program likely isn't going to be one of the first steps, it's going to be an early one. What decisions can you make at...
Mar 12, 2024
A majority of internet traffic now originates from APIs, and cybercriminals are taking advantage. Increasingly, APIs are used as a common attack vector because they’re a direct pathway to access sensitive data. In this discussion, Lebin Cheng shares what API attack trends Imperva, a Thales Company has observed over...
Mar 5, 2024
The need for vuln management programs has been around since the first bugs -- but lots of programs remain stuck in the past. We talk about the traps to avoid in VM programs, the easy-to-say yet hard-to-do foundations that VM programs need, and smarter ways to approach vulns based in modern app development. We also...