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Application Security Weekly (Audio)

Aug 24, 2020

This week, we welcome Sundar Krish, CEO & Co-Founder at, to talk about DevOps-First Application Security For Mid-Markets! In the Application Security News, The Confused Mailman: Sending SPF and DMARC passing mail as any Gmail or G Suite customer, ATM makers Diebold and NCR deploy fixes for 'deposit forgery'...

Aug 17, 2020

This week, we welcome back Cesar Rodriguez, Head of Developer Advocacy at Accurics, to discuss Immutable Security For Immutable Infrastructure! In the Application Security News, Microsoft Bug Bounty Programs Year in Review: $13.7M in Rewards, In-band key negotiation issue in AWS S3 Crypto SDK for golang, Re VoL TE...

Aug 4, 2020

This week, it's Security Weekly Virtual Hacker Summer Camp 2020! In our first segment, we welcome Mike Rothman, President at DisruptOps, to discuss: How Does Sec Live In A DevOps World? In the Application Security News, Using Amazon GuardDuty to Protect Your S3, OkCupid Security Flaw Threatens Intimate Dater Details,...